
Weekend with Daddy!

So I had my first night away from Kellen!  I have to say that it was a little strange!  I didn't sleep very well not hearing the white noise from the monitor.  I went to a Mary Kay conference and Kellen got to spend some MUCH needed time with Daddy!  Matt has been working some LONG hours these days and Kellen just loves getting to spend time with his Daddy!  Matt is gone every morning before Kellen wakes up and gets home after he has gone to bed.  He tries to not to do that more than two nights in a row, but as April 15th approaches the hours grow longer and longer.  So we cherish Sundays!  But this last weekend Kellen and Daddy got to hang out Friday night and all day on Saturday while Mommy was away!  Matt was SO excited!  I think Kellen was too....when Daddy walks in the room Kellen hangs on for dear life!  :o) They got to enjoy the sun and do what guys do...They went to Home Depot and to the playground and even did some shopping.

Kellen is so much fun these days.  His laugh makes my smile every time...it is a sound that I hope to never forget!  :o)  I just wish that I knew what he was thinking.  I don't want to wish him to grow up, but I sure wish that I could get a few words here and there!  He knows mama and dada and that is about it.  A lot of grunting and pointing is going on in this household and when Kellen wants you to do something he just puts your hands where he wants them and will pull or push you to get what he wants. 

I am enjoying my time at home with him!  :o)  He is changing so much and there is no baby at all left in him!  He is a little boy!  And let me tell you that he is ALL boy!  :o)  He is one special boy! 


Kellen's Fish Face!

Not sure as to why he is doing this, but this is how Kellen looks about 80% of the day! I don't know if it is because his teeth are coming in or if he just thinks if feels cool, but most of the day Kellen is walking around making the fish face! I love this picture, because it looks like he puckering up to give his mama a BIG kiss! :o) All I can say is Kellen is a hot mess!!!
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Surgery Day!!!

Oh what a day! It went so fast that before I knew it it was over! Thank you again for all of the prayers and well wishes! I know I say this often but we are VERY lucky to be surrounded but such great people! :o) The day was actually very smooth and there must of been LOTS of prayers going out to help me keep calm, because I never got nervous or really freaked out! I got a little nervous when he first left and then felt anxious for him to return, because I thought it was taking too long! :o) But most of the time I felt a peace over me!

So the day started out like most other days. Kellen got up around 7ish and then he helped me make our bed and played while I finished getting ready. Then he had some Apple Juice and Jello for breakfast. I know that this sounds weird, but he couldn't have any solids after midnight! And normally he LOVES Jello, but he didn't want anything to do with it, so I let him have more juice than I normally would. Then Grandma Dee came over and we hung out and tried to give him some more Jello at 9ish since this was the last chance to eat for a while, but he just wasn't into it. So we let him have some more juice and then confiscated all sippies at 9:15. I had got Kellen down to one nap a day, but sometimes life is just too hard so he will take two naps. So at 10 am Grandma Dee but him down for a nap. He slept for about an hour and then we were off!

He was so good, never once did he get fussy since he had not had a lot of food. So we arrived at the out patient surgery center. Daddy was already there and Kellen was super excited to see him! While I checked Kellen in, Daddy and Grandma Dee hung out with Kellen. Kellen did more playing than anything. There was a tunnel and a little house and blocks, and on and on and on. There was also a little table and chair that was just Kellen's size and to Daddy's surprise Kellen just climbed right up and sat on the chair! He had a smile that was so big and it was like he was saying "I did it"!!!

Not to long later a wonderful nurse came out and got us to take us back to pre-op. She checked his weight, he was weighing in at 26 lbs (that was with all of his cloths and shoes on). She took his temperature and his blood pressure. Then after that she showed us to the pre-op room. We got to see Dr. Glasson and the anesthesiologist. This is where we got to meet BJ, she was the sweetest nurse! This is also where Kellen got to play basketball while we were waiting for our turn. BJ asked who wanted to go back with Kellen, while they put him under and at first I was going to go, but the more I thought about it the more I knew I just couldn't do it. So I made Matt (I didn't have to twist his arm to hard). We did not have to wait too long till BJ brought in some medicine for Kellen. Kellen is super easy when it comes to medicine...he will suck it out of the syringe and you don't have to do anything. BJ was like, "My child that is bitter"! Kellen didn't seem to care! We later found out it was Lortab, you would think that it would make Kellen sleepy, but no, he was so happy playing basketball.

Not to much later they came and got Kellen and Daddy. It all happened so fast that I didn't get to give Kellen kisses or tell him "I love you" and that really didn't sit well with me. At this point I got a little case of "what it", but not to long later I felt a sense of peace come over me! Matt came back and he told me that I probably would not have done very well with being in there. Matt had to hold Kellen down while the put the mask over his face and let him go to sleep. I was kind of glad too that I didn't go!

Then we were taken to Kellen's post-op room and waited for Kellen. They said that it was to take about 90 minutes, but right about 60 minutes later Dr. Glasson was out and telling us that Kellen did great! She gave us some instructions and then said see ya in a couple of weeks. Then Jody, our post-op nurse came and told us that Kellen would be coming soon, that he was starting to wake up and doing great! She also told us how cute he was!!! Then the nurse that was with him in during the surgery carried him into the room. She asked if she could keep Kellen, because he was too cute. At this point I took Kellen and got to snuggle with him for a few minutes. It was wonderful since these days Kellen does not sit still enough to snuggle with me. Then he started to wake up and he was not a happy camper. I don't think I would be either if I didn't know what was going on. We just had to hang out until he drank something. He drank two sippies full of Apple Juice and then Jody said we could be on our way. Jody was kind enough to call in our prescription for us so that it would be ready when we got to Publix and would not have to wait for it.

So we were off. We arrived at 12ish and left at 3:30ish...It all went so fast. Kellen slept all the way home. I figured he would be so hungry when we got home, but he just ate a little of a banana and a few bites of cereal, but he did drink some more juice (I promise I don't let him have that much juice on normal days)! Not very long after he puked all over Grandma Dee and the kitchen floor! I felt so bad for him! But it didn't seem to bother him any! He woke up a little more than was ready to go. He was still a little unsteady from all the drugs, but he wanted to walk, so we just let him and followed him around trying to catch him if he fell. He ate some cereal a little bit later and drank some more juice.

Then before we knew it, it was time for bed. Dr Glasson had prescribed us some Tylenol with Codeine in it and we decided to give it to him so that he would not be in any pain. I figured it would be a long night and that Kellen would be up a lot, just being uncomfortable. Boy was I wrong!!! Kellen slept till 8 am the next morning! You really would not know that he ever had surgery. Not once has he slowed down or acted in anyway that he was uncomfortable. I gave him Tylenol through out the day on Thursday just because I wanted to make sure that he was okay. But he was full of giggles and running around like a mad man!!!

Thanks again for all the prayers and well wishes. He had been great! :o)


Recap in pictures of 13 months!

Finally the pictures from 13 Months! :o) Here are just a few of the highlights! :o)
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13 Months & Surgery!

So one day I will be organized and get this done on the actual day!   :o)  I keep setting a goal to blog at least once a week, but then the days seem to fly by and another week gets away from me!  Kellen is changing so much.  He doesn't look like a baby anymore!  He looks like a little man!  I am not sure what I am going to do...he is just growing so fast and time seems to be going faster!  I can't seem to keep up!  I have been so blessed to be at home with Kellen the last two months!  I have got to witness so many things that I would have missed if I was working so to say that me losing my job was a blessing is an understatement!  I got to watch Kellen as he really began to take off walking.  It seems like everyday he is leaning something new.  He is a very curious little boy and loves to explore everything!  Matt and I have truly been blessed.  We are just so lucky to be surrounded by a wonderful family and a great group of friends! 

The Dr's appointment on February 26th was very uneventful...I went in and the Dr had me sign the release again for Kellen's surgery and she took a quick peek to see if the surgery is needed.  I had been praying hard that she would say "Oh it looks like this is unneeded" and we would be sent home to never think about it again!  But she said "Yep, he still needs it"  And then two minutes later I was walking out dreading March 10th!  I know, I know it is supposed to be an easy surgery and a quick recovery, but does he REALLY have do go through it or can I do it for him!  I kind of been dreading talking about it....kind of if I don't talk about it, then it isn't real kind of thing.  But March 10th is getting closer and closer!  I know that it will be here before I know it.  I am supposed to get a call on Monday about the time of the surgery.  It will go by age, so I am hoping he will be the youngest of the day and can get in and out of there!  If I can just ask for you to pray for me to keep my sanity for this week I would greatly appreciate it! 

Now on to the fun things!  What is Kellen up to these days???

  • Kellen is still sleeping very well.  But I am so ready for daylight savings.  As the sun is coming up earlier so is Kellen!  :o)  Even though I get up around 6 each day, I am not getting to finish getting ready for the day before Kellen is waking up!  I have changed up his nap schedule a bit.  I have change him to one nap a day instead of two, but since he is getting up so early these days, it really is not working!  He is SO tired about 10 that he gets so CRANKY!  I have to say that he got that from his mama!!!  So I maybe changing him back to two naps a day...we will see how it goes.
  • Kellen is still loving all foods.  He is trying really hard to feed himself with a spoon, so meal times are taking a little longer these days.  We did find that he LOVES peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and avocados.  But so far so good, anything that we put in front of him he will try it!  :o)  
  • He still loves music and is dancing all the time.  I am trying to teach him to stomp his feet so it is funny to watch him!  I have to say that I spend a good portion of the day laughing at him because he is so darn cute!  :o)  Since the weather has had a few warmer days here and there we have ventured outside a lot more.  We have been walking 3 miles here and there when the weather will let us.  Kellen is so good...he will get in the stroller and just hang out and watch the dogs that walk buy or the cars.  He just hangs out!  
  • He is still wearing 18 months, a size 4 shoe and a size 4 diaper.  We have gone to 24 months in a few things, but it is just in a few jammies.  He is trying to help dress himself these days....it is too funny.  He will lay his socks on his feet and kind of look at them like "that's not right, but I know they go there"!
  • He is loving books right now.  It is so nice to be able to sit and read through the books.  We are usually able to get through 4 or 5 before bed time.  
  • About a week after his birthday we said bye bye to bottles and formula.  I really don't think that Kellen missed them at all.  It was like "whatever"  I don't need them.  I packed them all up and and he waved bye bye to them as I carried them upstairs!  :o)  It was so cute!  
  • He really isn't saying much, but he points and grunts when he wants something!  He will say "mama" and "dada" and something that kind of sounds like "boo", but other than that we get a lot of mumbo jumbo!  It is cute though.
  • I always said that my kid would not be a screamer, BUT I have a screamer.  I was on the phone with my mom in Old Navy the other day and Kellen screamed...she asked "who was that"?  I said "YOUR grandson"!  She was very quick to remind me that I said my child would never scream in public...what can I say???  Kellen also has a nasty habit of biting me.  We have been working hard on teaching him that mommy does not like biting or hitting...she only likes hugs and kisses.  He gives the best hugs and kisses right now!  Although he is not one for on demand (I have to say that he got that from his mama)...he is very when I want hugs or kisses or snuggles I want them on my terms!  But he still is the sweetest boy!  He is pretty quiet, but I think that he is taking everything in.  He really does not meet a stranger...he will go to anyone that holds their hands out!  The other day the cashier at Walmart held him while checking me out because Kellen kept pointing and grunting at her!  :o) 
Sorry for the lack of photos in the blog.  I am being lazy and wanted to get this posted before he turns 14 months!!!  :o)  I am hoping to get some cute ones tomorrow in the nice wonderful weather and I will post some tomorrow night!  

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