At the end of July we got the chance to head to Florida to the beach with Matt's entire family! It was wonderful! :o) I can't lie...on top of being wonderful it was also a little stressful with Quinn. She was really great, but the car ride was tough! She also decided to cut her first tooth the day we left. Night time was tough in the beginning, but by the end of the week we fell into a good schedule! This was also Kellen's first trip to the beach. He loved it and asks daily if we can go back. BUT he really did not like the sand. We did have rain while we were there, but that didn't stop us from having some fun! It was full of family time, some great food, & a ton of fun! :o) Here are just a FEW of my favorite pictures! :o)
Meme & Papa with 4 of 5 (soon to be 6) grandkids! Waiting for it to STOP raining! |
Kellen Russell Photography |
Kellen & Papa driving the boat to Crab Island |
Crab Island (that is not really an island, but a bunch of floaty things) |
Quinn & I stayed on the boat and had a party with Aunt Amanda |
Until she fell asleep |
The kids enjoyed lunch that day...Popsicles! |
Kellen became a little fish while at the beach! |
First Pedicure (given by Mommy & Aunt Amanda) |
Love her faces as she checks out the sand for the first time!
Learning Karate with Uncle Seth!
This is what we call team work the WHOLE family put together a 1000 I mean 998 piece puzzle! |
Sweet sweet pictures! I LOVE the one of her and Matt on the beach and her in the sand with her hat on. I'm also loving seeing K's baseball pics on FB!