Quinn vs Kellen @ 7 months
Here is what she is up too....- She is wearing 9 month clothing, but quickly growing out of it! Time to go shopping...she has very little 12 or 18 month clothing for fall! Her feet have finally done some growing and she is in a size 2 now. I can't wait to find some cute shoes for fall! Her hair is getting so long. Matt refuses to let me trim up her bangs. If she does not have a bow in it, she has a hard time seeing. Fine with me because I love the bows!
- I finally (right at 7 months) was able to change up her schedule. She is now having 4 bottles of 7 oz (every 4 hours) and still drinking Mommy's Milk (YAY ME). I am still pumping and I have to supplement with formula every now and again, but so far I am doing pretty good as long as I drink LOTS of water!!! She is eating cereal & 1/2 a jar of fruit in the morning and then a meat or veggie blend at night. She would so much rather have food than drink her bottles! She is loving all food. I did try to give her cheerios, and she was not so into that. One of her favorites is Spinach & Potatoes. She loves ice in the mesh feeder! We call it a baby popsicle. We have started working on water in a sippy, but she would rather chew on it!
- She is Go Go Go all day. She is still Amy Crawling all over the place and once she has her sights set on something she is determined to get there and get there fast! She is starting to get up on all fours, but has figured out that she gets there faster if she Army crawls. She has mastered sitting up all on her own and will go from sitting to crawling and back to sitting. She keeps me on my toes. She LOVES the computer cord and all things small! :) She loves to stand and I am pretty sure that she will pull up soon. She does not love the jump a roo much anymore, but will tolerate it for a little bit if I need to contain her for a short time. She has a few favorite toys right now as long as she can chew on them. She loves her giraffe (that Kellen picked out for her). She is a texture loving girl....she loves to feel things.
- She is still such a happy girl (unless hungry or tired)! We are still on a good schedule right now. She is taking 2 naps that will last anywhere from 1-3 hours at 10 & 2ish (sometimes a 3rd is thrown in there if both naps are short). She usually goes to bed between 7 - 7:30 and will sleep till 6ish, she will take a bottle and then go back down for an hour. To celebrate her 7 month birthday & her first trip to the beach she cut a tooth! She was a little fussy and extra drooly! :)
- She LOVES Kellen and wants to be in the middle of whatever he is doing. We are working with Kellen on being gentle (he does get a little rough), but she doesn't care as long as he is paying attention to her. They will sit and giggle at each other (every time I try and video it...they stop)! She has the biggest smile and it still melts my heart every time I see it! We are truly blessed!
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