We had another ultrasound today! It is amazing how much he has grown in the last 4 weeks. The Dr says he weighs 1 lb 7 oz and if he continues to grow as he is on average he will weigh 8 lbs 5 oz at birth! We got to see his heart today, which was very cool. The Dr showed us the four chambers and said all looks good. The Dr pointed out his kidneys, bladder, and aorta. He said that Kellen's kidneys still have a little extra fluid in them, but have not changed since last time. He said this is a good sign and we have nothing to worry about, unless they start collecting more fluid. The pictures on the left are of Kellen in his favorite position and that is laying on his tummy with his legs pulled up underneath him. The top picture on the right is of his little fingers. It is so cool to be able to see his hand. The bottom right picture is of his face. His face is really starting to fill out. Baby Kellen is growing and doing well. I still am in a little

bit of denial that he will be here in 4 months or so. The closer it gets the more excited we get. Jerilyn and I have come up with a plan for Kellen's room and I can't wait to see the finished product!
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