I think that Matt is still grinning from ear to ear. We found out this morning that our little Bean is a boy, his name is Kellen Russell. He was moving a lot in the beginning and then decided to go to sleep, but we got to see different body parts...it was very weird! After we were done we sat down with a Dr and went through all the different body parts that they looked at and measured. Who knew that they could tell so much about a baby before they were even born. they looked at his kidneys, brain, legs, arms, bladder, lip and nose. Each part they measured and were looking for certain things. One of his Kidney's is a little enlarged, but the Dr said that is nothing to be alarmed about, there are many reasons for it and they will keep an eye on it over the next couple of ultra sounds, but they looked at his nose and lip to see if he had a cleft lip...but he looked normal. His heart beat was around 156 and normal. He really looks like a baby. The top ultrasound picture is of him face down and you can see his spine. The bottom picture is of his face looking at us...you have to look at it sideways! They are not the best pics this time, but hopefully you will be able to see something! Of course now Matt says that I have to watch football with him this season! We will see about that!
We are so excited for ya'll. Now Sarah Scott will have 2 boys in her life to choose to marry...Kellen and Brooks:)!!!