Quinn vs. Kellen at 5 months
- She probably weighs in between 17-18 lbs now. She is wearing 6 - 9 months. She is so tall that a lot of the 6 months is getting too small for her. She is in size 3 diapers and size 1 shoes. I am enjoying getting her dressed everyday in the SO many cute outfits that I have. I was so sad to put away some of her clothes that she has outgrown already! I am loving the fact that she has SO much hair and works great with bows & clips! :o) It is betting more brown and a little blond instead of the jet black that she came out with! It has thinned a little, but is still pretty thick up on top of her head! :o)
- She is still eating 5-6 bottles of 6 oz. She is still getting all mommy's milk. So far I am able to keep up with her, but just barely. We have tried moving her up to 7 oz, but she sticks to 6 oz every 3-4 hours. So we started her on food at 4 months. She is really starting to enjoy it and eating pretty well. She has tried Brown Rice cereal, sweet potatoes, carrots, winter squash, peas, green beans, pears, & bananas. She doesn't love the cereal so I mix it with a veggie or fruit. She will eat about a half of a jar of veggie or fruit with a bit of cereal mixed in. She was not really sure about the bananas either. :o)
- In a matter of a couple of weeks she has really taken off....It was a rough week after she really got the rolling over to her tummy down and started to roll over at night. She would get so mad, but we let her cry it out and soon she started sleeping on her tummy and rolling back to her back with in a couple of nights! No she is really going. When you set her down and walk away she will be across the room! I will not be surprised at all if she starts to army crawl soon. She is a very determined child...if a toy is just out of reach she will do whatever to get to it! She is LOVING the jump-a-roo and has just learned that it will bounce instead of just spinning in the seat and playing with all the toys! She LOVES to bounce! Her favorite toy is still the ball, a doll that Nana got here, and a ring. Her newest toy is her feet! She loves them! :o)
- She is a bit of a mommy's girl and I love it! :o) She is such a happy baby unless she is tired or hungry. She does have a little bit of a temper and will get so mad if her toys will not do what she wants them to do!. We are pretty sure that some teeth are getting ready to come through...her drool has gotten worse & her cheeks are nice and rosy! We will see.
- We are starting to get into a schedule. For the last week she has slept from 7:30-6:30ish. Then she will take two good naps lasting 2-3 hours and usually a cat nap thrown in. I do feel like God knew what he was doing by giving me two kiddos that love to sleep. They are early risers, but I love the quiet time with them in the morning! :)
- Her smile melts my heart every time! She is still getting the giggling thing down, but I love to hear it anytime she lets me! I have been feeling so blessed to have Quinn in my life! Her and Kellen keep me on my toes, but I would have it any other way!
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