Christmas morning brought the fun of stockings, a yummy breakfast, and then more presents. I was a little of kilter because we normally open present on Christmas eve, but it didn't work out! Kellen was very spoiled, Nana was very spoiled and I was very spoiled (Matt did not stick to our budget for each other). Poor Matt, he didn't really have anything too exciting under the tree other than socks and underwear (but he needed them). He also got a really cool study bible.
We had a light lunch and watched the snow start to come down. While Kellen was napping Uncle Andy came over and we started to play cards. We had a blast and My mom and I beat Andy and Matt after a very rocky start! We made our deer chili that we normally have on Christmas Eve and boy was it yummy!!! After everyone left I made Matt go out and take some pictures of the snow with the Christmas lights on. Having a white Christmas really topped of the absolute perfect Christmas. It really reminded me of being at home!
I can't believe that my little boy is 23 months and is just a few weeks away from being 2. I really think he was just born yesterday, but each day I am reminded that he is becoming more and more independent. He is saying a few more words here and there, and I have just decided that he will talk when he is ready, because he knows way more than I give him credit for. A couple weeks ago he handed me a baseball and said "baseball". I got so excited and tried to get him to say it again for Matt, but he wouldn't....until the next day he got excited when he saw a bin of baseball's and said it for Matt. He has associated a lot of sounds with words, so he will say the sound of something when he wants when he wants a car, he will say "vroom, vroom". He loves cars, balls and music. He is growing and getting taller and taller. I can't wait to see how tall he is at his 2 yr appointment. I am also looking forward to getting his hearing checked to see if that has anything to do with is lack of speech. We will see!
I think this was his favorite gift...The Curious George Movies. He was giving George a kiss.
I will wrap up my novel now, but I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday season! Love to all!
Always love updates and pics of your sweet family!!