For the summer Jerilyn is keeping Kellen while we are at work. Grandma Marquitta will be here next weekend to keep Kellen for a week! It was very easy for me to go back to work knowing that Kellen is loved, happy, and safe with people that I know. Check back with me in August when Kellen starts at daycare. We are so lucky that Kellen gets a little more time at home. Maybe this will help with his immune system and he won't be sick all the time at daycare. :) I doubt it, but here is to hoping! :)
I surprised myself on my first day and did not cry at all...I just keep telling myself every morning to go to work, keep busy and then I get to come home to my little far it is working. Now I have not had a slow day since I have started which I guess is a good thing. :) Other wise I would probably sit and think about wanting to be home with my baby! :)
Enough about me...Now onto the pictures and all of Kellen's new adventures!!!
Kellen's 1st Solid Meal (well sort of solid)!
Kellen loves his cereal! From the first spoonful! :) He is like a little bird when he was so much fun to watch him watch me and the spoon and try to figure out how it all works, but after two days he was a pro! This picture is really his second try at cereal...I was so bummed to find both our camera batteries dead while I was feeding him on his first try!

Kellen's 1st Vegetable!
Kellen's 1st time at the Pool!!!
He is sooo precious and I do have to say I think he looks like you..what do you think?