Can you believe it? I sure can't Kellen is 4 months old today! We went to the Dr today and she said that he is PERFECT!!! He weighs 17 pounds and 4 ounces. He is 26 1/4 inches long...One BIG boy! He was so happy and trying to grab everything as the Dr was checking him out. Kellen has found his voice in the last couple of days. He sounds like a dinosaur or something as he screeches! :) It is so funny....I will try to get some video of it! He is now rolling over...every time we put him on the floor...his feet are up in the air and he is rolling over. Once he gets on his tummy he lifts his head up high and looks around. He gets so frustrated when it does not work quite right!
I have been enjoying my time with him so much. I have officially started to look for a job. As my time comes to an end at home I am having some mixed feelings! For now I continue to try and focus on the time that I do and have been able to spend with him! :) We leave early for Indiana in the morning! I am so looking forward to sharing pictures from our weekend! I have a million more things to do before I am able to get some sleep so I better get a move on it! :)
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