I have been trying to blog for awhile now, but one thing I have learned is I can plan all I want, but Kellen seems to make the plans for the day! :) I wanted to share a few pictures and stories from the last week or so.
A couple of weeks ago, Kellen got to meet Aunt Kaeley for the first time. It was so cute to see them together. Of course Aunt Kaeley thought he was the cutest thing ever and wanted to take him home with her! :)
A couple of weeks ago, Kellen got to meet Aunt Kaeley for the first time. It was so cute to see them together. Of course Aunt Kaeley thought he was the cutest thing ever and wanted to take him home with her! :)
Aunt Kaeley and Mimi
Grandma Dee had Dr Seuss day at school and they all had to dress up, so she was Cat in the Hat. We thought it would make a cute picture...As you can tell Kellen was like take the picture all ready! :)
Aunt Amanda and Cousin Madison came for a visit last week...I think Kellen is almost as big as Madison at 2 years old! :) I think it is too cute in the picture you can almost here her saying "CHEESE". Kellen slept through everything! :)
Charles and Jennifer came over and we ordered in some pizza (The pizza was a "thank you" for helping me out in a not so fun situation...see story below). Charles was too cute with Kellen. He was doing really well until Kellen became a little too smelly for Charles! Kellen is definitely his Daddy's son!
This last weekend Kellen had some great adventures out of the house. On Saturday Grandma Dee and I decided to do some shopping while Daddy was at work. Kellen was being so good and we were able to make all of our stops that we wanted to. At the last stop, Grandma Dee stayed in the car with Kellen to change him and feed him his bottle. I ran into the store and got exactly what I wanted and ran back out. Grandma Dee was able to change him, but I forgot the vent for the bottle so it was leaking all over. We decided that we would just hurry home. At this point it had been almost 4 hours since his last feeding and he was starting to get a little fussy. So I put the bags in the the car and closed the door...at the same time Grandma Dee had thrown the keys onto my seat and closed her door to put Kellen back in his car seat. This is where everything went a little crazy. As I went to open the car door it was locked...and I could see my keys sitting on my seat saying "HA HA"!!! We were locked out of the car...our purses, Kellen's leaky bottle, all locked in the car. At this point I didn't know what to do...so I called Matt who was at work. My mom took Kellen into the store to get him out of the sun and wind. Matt called Pop a Lock who wanted to charge us $60 and would take about an hour to get there. While I was waiting for Matt to call me back, Jennifer just happened to call me at the moment that I was starting to break down. Thank goodness for great friends!!! Charles and Jennifer ran over to my house and got my extra set of keys and an extra bottle. Within about 30 minutes they were there and I was back in my car. Kellen deserves the best baby award...he made it almost 5 hours without eating and he was just a little fussy, but the lights in the store seemed to keep his attention. Poor Grandma Dee felt horrible, but in reality it goes back to me forgetting the vent for the bottle (If I wouldn't have forgot that we would never have been locked out of the car). Needless to say I have now learned my lesson, I now carry an extra bottle with me in my diaper bag to prevent all future mishaps that would involve me forgetting the vent! :)
Matt and I had made a deal that once Kellen's room was finished being decorated that we would move Kellen in there. Well Kellen is now sleeping in his own crib in his own room. It seems to agree with him...he is sleeping 5-6 hours, which I am in love with! :) We got him a mobile for his crib and he LOVES it. It is the Fisher Price, Precious Planet projection mobile...It projects lights into a canopy and it is too cute. Once he is a little older we can take off the canopy and it will project the lights onto the ceiling. I will take some pictures and add them to the blog later this week.
This story just makes me laugh!!! Don't kill your self over it. It is not the first thing that you will forget. You are a great mom Stephanie!!