
Life Happens (and that is okay)

It has been WAY to quiet over here on the blog!  But I am learning life happens and that is okay.  I have to learn to adapt and change with things.  To be honest that is not something that I am not very good at.  I am a very routine person and when my routine is thrown off, I seem to spiral out of control and then I have a hard time getting back on track.  That goes for all of my life, not just for my weight loss journey.

For the last two weeks, we have had a week of snow days with a week long stomach bug that felt like it would never go away, and then a week of struggling to get back into the routine of life.  I can say that last Friday was the first day in a long time that routine happened and it was an amazing day!

There is just something about spiraling out of control that puts me into a FUNK.  Everything seems to crumble around me as I try to grasp on to some sort of hope that I will dig myself out of my funk hole.  When I am in a funk, I am grouchy, I don't want to workout (so end up not working very hard), I don't want to eat ANYTHING in the healthy department, and I really am just not very fun to be around.  I am not a good wife, mommy, or friend!

Last Wednesday, I knew that I was close to rock bottom, when I asked my husband to get me a box of Lucky Charms.  I knew in asking him for that box, that I wouldn't eat just a small bowl of a cereal (this is my absolute favorite cereal).  I knew what would transpire, but I did it anyway.  So I ate a huge bowl on Wednesday night and then again on Thursday for breakfast and for lunch.  I ate the ENTIRE box in three meals.  I felt so sick, my stomach was SO upset and angry at me.  At THAT moment I knew something had to change or I would just continue to spiral out of control and everything I have worked SO hard to accomplish would be undone.

So what do you do when it comes to this?  Here is what I did and you know what it worked!

1.  I sat myself down and had a good long pep talk with myself.
2.  I prayed a lot for strength and to regain my will power
3.  I divorced certain foods that are triggering my spirals (this I am sad to say included chocolate)
4.  I started a 21 day "No Junk Food Challenge" (via Pinterest)
5.  Created an action plan
6.  Shared my plan with my accountability partner

So I am ready for my week of Clean Eating,  Hard Workouts & LOTS of water drinking.

BONUS SHARE:  Here is the workout my friend and I tried out this morning.  It was a lot of fun and moved really quickly!

Source Pinterst

We set a timer for 30 seconds with a 10 second break in between each move.  It went really fast so we were able to squeeze in a 4th round (you'll notice that there are 10 exercises repeated 3 x's).  We took closer to a 30 second break after each set of 10 for water!  

I would love to hear from y'all.  How do you break out of a funk?  What do you do when you begin to slipping off the wagon?

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***Please note that by no means am I a professional. I have no formal training of any kind. I am just a girl writing about my own weight loss journey and sharing things that worked for me. Before starting any new life change, please consult your Dr.

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