
A Big Step....

Yesterday I felt like a REBEL, a RISK TAKER, and a RULE BREAKER!  

We all have our quirks (lets just say I have a lot)!

One of my quirks is when playing with bubbles it has to be done a certain way, because I can't stand the sticky mess afterwards!

 I think Kellen was 4 years old, before I actually let him hold the bubbles himself.  He could not pull the wand all they way out...he could only pull it half way out and blow.  I know what you are thinking....I have thought the same thing..."SHE'S CRAZY"!!!

And all was right in the world of bubble blowing...

UNTIL they both wanted the same bubble wand....

So I took a deep breath and I LET IT GO!  And you know what?  The world did not end, the sky did not fall, AND the kids had a blast.  There was a ton of giggles and smiles.  And even more than that I was laughing with them!  Kellen called me the Queen of Bubbles!

We had so much fun.  Our hands were all sticky from the bubbles and we were covered with bubble soap from head to toe...BUT we just pulled out the water table and had some water fun to wash it all away!  

It was a HUGE Mommy WIN for me!

Sarah said, "God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me." ~Genesis 21:6


Let's talk about the "CH" word...

You know that dreaded word I am talking about....CHANGE.

We all have those days or weeks or months or maybe even years.  You know those days that you just want to go to bed so that the day can be truly over.  And when the morning comes you really don't want to get out of bed, because you don't know if you can face the day!  You know those ones???

Via Pinterest

For me those days are most often brought on by change.  I have to have my routine, my husband laughs at me because I always have to drive the same route in the same lane when driving anywhere.  I often eat at the same places so that I can order the same thing.  Trying to find something new to eat will totally throw me off.  I shop at the same stores and when they decide to change the store around it will take me weeks to get my bearings again!

This is often hard for me since life is ALL about change and it is constantly changing no matter how hard I try to cling to my little world!  When things are changing around me I often get overwhelmed and feel out of control .  It most likely will lead to me shutting down and trying to ignore the ever looming change!  But no matter how hard I try to put it off, change always catches up with me!

Well lately my life is full of change!  Most of the change has been brought on by me and some of it was a SURPRISE.  Well maybe not a total surprise the signs were there and we firmly believe GOD was giving us a BIG shove!  Matt and I are constantly telling each other that we can plan and plan, but God is always laughing at us!

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. ~ Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

One of these days I will learn that His plans are always better than mine.  I want to make sure that I document these changes, so that I can look back and remember just how far we have come.  All of the changes are for the better.  I know the road ahead may not be easy or my choices may not be right.  I know that starting the dreaded "changes" in our lives will probably bring more change!  BUT I think that as long as I can embrace these changes and let go...to truly put God in control and let Him navigate through ALL the changes, things will be better than I can evern imagine them to be and life will be a lot more full of laughter!!!


Contact Me

Questions, comments, or ideas?  I would love to hear them, Please feel free to contact me at gigglediaries@gmail.com
I may not know all the answers, but I will find someone that does know.

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***Please note that by no means am I a professional.  I have no formal training of any kind. I am just a girl writing about my own weight loss journey and sharing things that worked for me.  Before starting any new life change, please consult your Dr.  

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