
Did someone call the Fire Department???

 Happy Halloween from Fire Chief Kellen & Dalmatian Puppy Quinn!!!

We had so much fun this year!  Kellen had been asking and asking to carve a pumpkin and time just got away from us!  SO what did we do on Halloween...Matt drove around to several places looking for a pumpkin so that we could carve a pumpkin with Kellen....Thank you Home Depot for still having pumpkins!

 I was so excited when we were able to carry on our tradition of getting together with the Goodwald family!  This year I think we finally found our traditional meal!  We made Taco Salad and it was perfect!  :o)  It was still a little chaotic trying to get the kids all fed and then dressed and then out to trick or treat...BUT I know it will get easier as they get older!  It was SO nice to visit with Sarah and the kids had so much fun trick or treating!  Kellen made out like a bandit, but I have to say that Mommy and Daddy confiscated most of it!

Quinn (10 Months), Kellen (almost 5), Grant (20 Months), Ansley (almost 8) & Gabbi (almost 3 1/2)

 Happy Halloween!!!


End of the season of Fall Baseball

Whew!  What a season!  Kellen could was not super excited about this season, but I am so proud of him and how far he has come!  We had an amazing set of coaches that worked so well with the kids, but never forgot the first rule...Baseball is supposed to be fun!

We finished up our Mud Hen Season with a Pizza party at a playground!  The kids had so much fun playing and the adults had fun watching them and talking about what was to come!  Here are a few pictures from the event...

 Kellen with his best buddy William

How cute are these???  Can you say Pinterest?

Such a good group of boys!  Can't wait to see if we are on their team next season!  :)


10 Months

 Quinn vs. Kellen at 10 Months

  • She is pretty much in 12 month clothing with a few 18 months thrown in!  Oh her hair...I love it, but it does have a mind of its own.  It pretty much looks like she just woke up with bed head about 95% of the day.  I have really just taken to the practice of sticking a clip in it and readjusting it a million times because she like to pull them out!  :o)

  • She is getting 4-6 oz bottles and three meals a day with some snacks.  She is pretty much eating all table food and refuses any baby food! Pretty much if it is on my plate she will eat it!  She is getting better with a sippy although she really likes to drink out of a glass...I may have to think about skipping the sippy all together.  She loves water!  Which is a huge relief to me, because I am not a water drinker and Kellen hated water!  I had to put juice in his water to get him to drink anything!  

  • She is pulling up and starting to walk with a walker and along furniture & cabinets.  She is getting stronger and braver!  She loves to walk with you!  If she could have her way I would walk her around all day!  Little Miss Quinn has found the stairs and LOVES to crawl up them!  If the gate is not closed then you better watch out!   She would live in the bath if I would let her.  She is really starting to talk.  I mean she jabbers ALL day long.  She is such a girl!  :o) She is saying mama, dada and baba.  Along with a whole lot of other words that sound a little like she is speaking Chinese!  She is such a good baby...she loves to sit and play, but also she loves to be on the go!  She is still hating the car seat which makes running errands hard!  It is a fight every time!  I honestly believe it is because she believes she is being restrained! 

  • I think she is going to be a little shy, but if she can come to you on her terms then all is good!  She is a lot better about going to Wumba land.  I think she has realized she can get some snack while she is there!  ha! I will be a little sad when she starts walking because she will have to move classes!

  • She is still taking 2 naps at 10 and 2.  She is getting really good at going with the flow with Kellen's baseball schedule.  His games seem to hit right at nap time!  :o)  We still head up stairs around 6:30ish for bath time and then we have some snuggle time with a bottle and she is off to bed.  She usually goes down around 7ish.

  • 2 more teeth have finally come through!  She has her top two now!  She is still chewing on everything and anything!  The amount of drool that comes out of her is still ridiculous!  And she is still cranky so I think there are more on the way! 

  • Music class just ended and we are a little sad to not sign up again, but the price was a little hard to pay this time around!  So we are hoping to do a few more play dates to keep her socialized!  

  • Kellen and Quinn are so cute together!  I love to see the way that she looks at him!  He is her whole world and she gets SO mad when he doesn't want to play with her!  He is kind and gentle with her for the most part!  We are struggling a little bit on discipline with her (as far as when she takes toys away from Kellen and then he takes them back which makes her scream).  I know that it will get easier the older she gets and I hope that they both keep the special bond that they have formed!  :o)



Being a family means you are a part of something very wonderful.  It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life.  ~ Unknown 

What can I say about Lisa Rappa Photography???  She is amazing!  I love working with Lisa and she loves our kids!  And the probably more than that, my kids love her!  :o) We had so much fun doing Quinn's 9 month shoot/Holiday pictures with her!  :o)  She is able to capture so many "faces" that my kiddos make and I can truly say they are frozen in time!  :)  I know that my kids will continue to grow and one day leave the nest, but I will always have these pictures to help me remember this moment!


Pickin' Pumpkins

Our busy weekend continues with a impromptu trip to The Berry Patch Farms with the Warrensford Family!  It was so wonderful.  This was our 3rd year going to this pumpkin patch.  It is right down the road from us and perfect!  It has a little play area, a few animals to look at, homemade ice cream & boiled peanuts.  There is a little hay ride out to the pumpkin patch.  It was the first weekend that it was open so it was not crowded at all!  I loved that!  It was very hot that day...it didn't quite feel like October or that we should be at a pumpkin patch!  It was wonderful being with friends though!

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