

This year we have SO much to be thankful for!  The two top things on the list are my little ones!

Kellen keeps me laughing daily!  He is so much fun right now...I wish that there was some magic spell to put him under to keep him this age forever!  The things that come out of his mouth makes me laugh all day!  We have our struggles with him, but most of the time it can be fixed with food or sleep!  Ha!  He takes after his mama!

Then there is Little Miss Quinn!  We are are so thankful for a healthy pregnancy so far and that she continues to grow and grow!  She is a mover too...I think that the bigger that she get the less room she has and the more stretching she does...when I sit down she almost rebels and pushes back!

I have had a couple of Dr's appointments and all is good!  I got to see the midwife this week (my Dr was out for the day)....she felt what position Quinn was in and estimates her to be about 4 1/2 to 5 lbs...which I guess is pretty average!  We go for an ultrasound next week to check in on her so it will be interesting to see what they say!  I think the midwife was trying to talk me out of a c-section in her own sneaky way...I wanted to tell her to save her breath!  My biggest fear in going that route is to go into labor and be in labor for hours only to find that she is too BIG for me to push out and end up in a c-section anyways!  I know what a c-section is all about...I know it is major surgery...I know the healing time is supposed to be longer than the natural way!  I promise anyone that has any doubts about my (and Matt's) decision that I have thought it through and this is what I want!  I don't feel like I am being robbed of any special moment because I don't push out my babies!  That is a little bit of a sore subject with me...can you tell???  We decided to take a tour of the hospital again since we will be giving birth at a different hospital than we did with Kellen.  I can't say if it was a good thing or a bad thing!  The hospital is great and the NICU is wonderful (if Quinn needs to go there).  The hospital is a great choice if you want to go the natural way...they have the lowest c-section rate in the South East and they are very proud of that fact!  So me coming in with a scheduled c-section counts against that rate!  The nurse giving the tour made a little jab at us and said she hopes that I go into early labor and end up in a natural delivery!  Needless to say it didn't sit well with me!  I am all for natural births, but I grow BIG babies and Matt and I decided a long time ago that we feel for the babies safety and mine we will stick with c-sections!  Okay done with my tangent!

I am so thankful for my supportive Husband that is willing to go along with my crazy ideas and put up with my (more than not these days) craziness!  He works so hard to give us everything that we need and want!  :o)  To be able to stay at home with my kiddos is truly a blessing!

I am thankful for our family and friends!  A couple weeks ago they totally spoiled us and threw us a shower for Miss Quinn!  I don't know if I can say thank you enough for all that they have done and do for us!  They truly are our "village" that help us through life!  :o)


I am thankful for so many other small things in my life that I could continue to write and write, but I will close with saying the small things are some of my favorite things like Kellen's giggle, Matt and Kellen playing on the floor, and then there is Starbucks!  I am so thankful for Starbucks Chai Tea Latte's!  :o)

I hope that each and everyone of you have a great Thanksgiving!  :o)




If I blogged every time I woke up in the middle of the night and wrote a blog in my head I would be caught up on life.  I have some great posts in my head and will lay awake for hours thinking about them.  I would love to write one on "fear".  I would love to write one on "faith" and I would LOVE to write one on the "truth about pregnancy".  Oh and I could probably write one on the fact that I have totally lost my mind during this pregnancy and can barely even get my name right (for example I washed my hair with face wash the other morning)!!!  But instead I lay awake and watch the minutes tick away on the clock and write the blog posts in my head and then when I finally fall asleep....they are gone!

Time is flying....I have to say this pregnancy is going SO fast.  I am trying to cherish every moment, because I know more than likely this is my last (but can only say we (or I) am only 90% sure on that decision)...it is such a big decision and I am not ready to make it a permanent thing!!!  I can believe that I am 31 weeks and in roughly 7-8 weeks we will be meeting little Miss Quinn!   Here are the latest ultrasound pictures from 28 weeks...of course she has to have her hand by her face always!  :o)

So far everything is going well in my pregnancy.  I did find out at my last appointment that I am right on the boarder line for being abnormal for gestational diabetes...so instead of putting me through the 3 hour test (since we are already watching how big she is getting since Matt and I grow BIG babies) my Dr has told me to watch the sugars!  I do have to say that is a lot harder than it seemed like it would be.  I have been a huge candy junkie during this pregnancy!  They have came out with a "fave reds" Starbursts bag that has only the pinks & reds  Starbursts!!!  This is my absolute favorite candy so I was in heaven when I found these until now and since it is Halloween with all the candy and yummy-ness around...it is VERY hard!  :o)  But I do have to say I cheat every one in a while!  She is a busy baby and constantly on the move...I almost feel like I am getting beat up on the inside!  She has frequent dance parties at around 4 AM!  

We are close to done with her room with just a few details left and then we are just waiting for Quinn to arrive!  Our baby shower is coming up this weekend and we feel extremely blessed and very spoiled that are friends are doing this for us!  

We have enjoyed a busy month of Fall activities!  I knew last year that I wanted to cut off my costume orders early this year so I could have time to spend it with my family!  :o) Kellen is growing so fast and I don't want to miss out on anything!  So hear a few pictures from out activities...

Oct 13th ~ Apple Picking at Hillcrest Orchirds ~

We headed up north to pick some Apples, with Nana and the Rehm family!  All in all it was a fun day with Kellen having a BLAST!  There were SO many people and not a lot of apples to pick, but we still had a lot of fun.  I think if we go next year I will go a little earlier!  :o) Here are a few of the pictures we took that day!

 We ended up having to miss our annual trip to Berry Patch Farms with the Goodwald family because Kellen was sick, so we went the following weekend (Oct 27th) with Nana!  It is so close to the house and it allows Kellen to run for a bit!  :o)  He was SO sad that the Ponies were not there to ride, but here are a few pictures from our afternoon...

Halloween ~

Kellen had Farm day at school...they had a petting zoo, crafts, games, and parents could come for a picnic with their kiddos!  It was so much fun to see Kellen with all his new little friends!  I have pictures of the day on my phone so if I actually download them off my phone I will add them to the blog!  Ha!  

We started a tradition with the Goodwald family to have dinner and go trick or treating together!  Last year there was just Gabbi & Kellen....this year we grew a little!  We had 4 kiddos and laughed that next year we will have six!!!  This year the Rehm family joined us for a bit with Charlee Lynn!  Sarah came with Gabbi & Grant and then we had Kellen!  It is so much fun to see all of them together and to know that our kids will hopefully grow up as close as all of us have become!  :o) Here are a few pictures of our fun night...

What an October...I love fall and can't believe how fast it is going!!!  Next blog post...an update on Miss Quinn and pictures from our baby shower!  

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