I can't believe it! Where oh were has the time gone! Some days I am so sad that I don't have a baby any more! I miss some of the special moments! Then I look at Kellen and I wouldn't change a moment, well maybe the meltdowns that he seems to be having when we are out in public! :o) But I know that is his age and that will change too, so maybe I should treasure those moments too! Haha! So what are we up to these days...
Drawing a picture for Auntie Rara!
Well he is busy, busy! If Kellen is awake he is on the move and boy Mommy and Daddy are tired at the end of the day. Can you bottle a child's energy, because I would like some of that??? We have changed up our schedule a little in the last couple of months and it seems to be going good. He is taking one nap a day and will sleep for anywhere from 2 to 3 hours. It is a nice quiet time where I have been able to work on my Mary Kay and Matt has been able to
play PlayStation look for a job! If we would let Kellen he would LIVE outside and/or in the water. It doesn't matter if it is 100 degrees or if it is raining, he wants to be outside!
Calling Sarah Scott! :o)
He still eats really well and I can already see that I am in trouble when he becomes a teenager. We are not quite sure where he puts it all....maybe in his toes. He really is not picky, but if he isn't in the mood then he will NOT eat it! We did get rid of the high chair because he really wanted to be at the table with us, so we know have a booster seat so that he can eat with us! We have been trying hard to do family meal times, now if we can only do it with the TV shut off! That is a hard habit to break, but probably harder for me than Kellen!
Come on Daddy!!!
I can tell Kellen is growing because his shorts are getting shorter and there is no more room on my lap, but he is still wearing 18 month bottoms and 24 month shirts. Tall and skinny! He is in a size 6 shoe and size 4 diaper. Man oh man I can not wait to potty train! I really thought that he would grow out of the I hate my diaper changed phase, but it is only worse. He really does not like it unless we can distract him from what we are doing. So we will give him a book or turn on Handy Manny or Little Einsteins (thank goodness for Disney one demand & to Deborah Anne for introducing Handy Manny).
How can I get in the water???
Kellen has started to play a little better on his own, but still is crawling on everything so you have to keep your eyes glued to him! He is such a little lover and loves to give hugs. When he hugs you, he will lay his head on your shoulder and say "Awwww" It is so cute! It is funny to watch him with a camera or a phone, because he knows exactly what to do with them. He will hold the phone up to his hear and say some mumbo jumbo and then hand it to us. With the camera he will look through it and then look at the back to see the picture. He still only says mama and dada, but I know one day I will be at the point I want him to stop talking. I go in August for his 18 month appt and hope to talk with our Dr about his lack of speech. When he feels like it he will tell us where his nose, ears, eyes, mouth, and sometimes chin is. If you ask him where mommy's nose his he will tell you. BUT this is only when he is in the mood other wise forget it!
Throwing rocks in the water!
Kellen is really living up to his name (Kellen means "Strong Willed"). He seems to have a lot of my personality, but a lot of Matt's looks! I can tell you we are in for some trouble! Haha! I am trying to come up with more activities during the day to keep Kellen busy, but it is so hard with his very short attention span. He loves books, but has become opinionated about which ones we read. So we tend to read the same ones over and over.
Playing at the park!
Kellen is such a joy and has the most infectious laugh! I just can't imagine my life without him. He has been a blessing from the start. At least once a day I am just in awe of what he can do and how much he has changed! What can I say? I love him!
Yummy Mac & Cheese