
The Things That Make Me Smile/Warms My Heart!

I guess that I am in the mood to blog this week because I am on #3 for the week and it is just Wednesday.  I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about life.  Maybe it is the Beth Moore bible study that I am doing or maybe it is just that I feel like time is quickly ticking by.  On my way to do a Mary Kay table on Saturday a thought popped into my head that triggered a whole string of thoughts.  I do have to warn you that this post is rather random!  And this is how it went....

The first thought was about Kellen and instantly it made me smile.  Then I started thinking about all the things that he does that makes me smile.  When you walk into his room in the morning after he wakes up and he looks at you and gives you the BIGGEST smile!  Any time that he spots his daddy he will get a huge smile!  When he sees Holly (our poor kitty that he tortures endlessly and she puts up with it for the most part) he smiles and then cries when she runs away from him.  The way that he looks so proud when he accomplishes something that we as adults take for granted, like getting up and sitting on a chair or the couch.  The way he dances to any kind of music whether is is full on dancing or just bobbing his head like his daddy!  I could go on and on, but pretty much any thing he does besides the horrible tantrums that he is throwing these days, but even some of them are funny when he gets his pouty face on!  So my #1 thing that makes me smile is Kellen.

Now #2 would have to be Matt, but don't tell him I said that!  He tells the corniest jokes and I try so hard not to laugh at them. I know what you are thinking that statement is not very nice, but the more you laugh the more he gets egged on to tell more.  Now what is worse is when you are at a dinner table with Matt, his dad and his grandfather.  The jokes get pretty bad...like the most recent joke (that he got from the children's show Sid the Science Kid) is "What kind of underwear do storm clouds wear?"  "THUNDERWEAR"  He was so disappointed when I knew the answer because I had seen the episode before!  Then there is his favorite joke of all time...."What is the only bee that produces milk?"  "BOO-BEES"  When my mom moved in with us when she moved to GA a couple of years ago, it was bad....I mean my mom would laugh and laugh at Matt.  Now they text jokes back and forth to each other!  Now I know it sounds like that I am totally rolling my eyes as I am writing this, BUT I wouldn't have it any other way!  All of the crazy things that Matt does, makes me smile and maybe not always on the outside like it should, because of lately I have been a little bit of a grouch and not that easy to live with.

#3 This one is more thinking about memories if that makes sense.  One of the most valued things to me is time with my family and friends.  I have some great memories with each of my friends and family member's.  So yes those people make me smile, but when I get time to daydream and think back over my life I have so many memories.  Like mixing skittles and beer in high school, because I wanted to be cooler than drinking a wine cooler, but hated the taste of beer!  Or even just the giggles on the phone with my sister.  My sister is about 8 years younger than me and I have been in GA for 12 years, so a lot of our relationship has been built over the phone.  Most of conversations consist of giggling!  I love her what can I say! 

#4 would probably be kids in general.  Any baby can make my heart melt and smile nonstop.  Many time I catch myself just staring and watching mom's with their babies when we are out in public.  One of my favorite things is when I am out shopping and looking at the kids in the carts...they almost always have a BIG smile for me.  It was something that I just started to notice...before I was "so busy"...not sure what I was "so busy" with but I missed everything that was happening around me. So just seeing the kids smile and taking the time to notice that is huge to me! 

#5 is animals...any animal, but especially my cats.  When my cats come and snuggle with me, it makes my heart smile.  I still remember the days of hanging out on the couch and ready the entire day while snuggling with my kitties....now I say remember those days because that was before Kellen.  Now it is only hanging on the couch and reading well never...during nap time it is make phone calls, blogging, facebook, email, laundry, and then maybe clean up the house if I have time.  And there is the days where I say forget it all and nap!  :o)

So this ends my random post.  I have been struggling with finding the simple things in life.  I want to stop and smell the roses and I felt like this random string of thoughts was a good start to finding the simplicity in life.  I also thought that putting down on paper would help me take a step back and remember them!


Meeting Gabriella Joy...

 Gabriella Joy

Our good friends Glenn & Sarah have received an answered prayer in the last week.  Although a little dramatic at times they were chosen to adopt a little girl.  After a lot of back and forth of changing her mind the birth mom finally found peace with her decision.  So last week Sarah and Glenn welcomed a little girl, Gabriella Joy.  She was born on June 13th and is so beautiful.  She stole my heart on last Thursday when we got to meet her! 

I'm in love! 

I can still remember the day that Sarah told me about her desire to be a mommy!  To see that day finally here is just amazing!  We got a good laugh at the memory of Glenn holding Kellen just a little over a year ago and he was so uncomfortable.  He didn't want to hold him, but Sarah got him to.  He was so tense the whole time and then Kellen peed on him!  Haha!  Today you would never know...Gabriella has him wrapped around his finger!

 Matt holding Gabriella ( I think we need a little Girl)!

I could hold her all day long.  She is beyond beautiful...her black hair and beautiful skin.  She is such a little cuddle bug.  She has her days and nights all mixed up, so we were trying to wake her up...needless to say no matter what I did it was not until Mommy changed her diaper that she woke up and boy did she get mad!

 We got to hear her test out her lungs!

I got to feed her and just sit with her!  I could have done it all day!  I miss the snuggles...Kellen does not slow down enough to snuggle...I get a few hugs and kisses here and there, but he doesn't slow down enough to snuggle!  Of course we got a big laugh out of as I was holding her she spit up all over me...we said it was payback from Kellen peeing on Glenn!  Haha!

This was Kellen during the visit! 

It is amazing to see Glenn and Sarah with Gabriella.  Sarah is a natural mommy!  It is amazing to be a part of this blessing and to see God's plan unfold for them! 


Happy Daddy's Day!

We enjoyed a wonderful day!  We let daddy sleep in (well for 1 hour longer).  I made pancakes and we enjoyed a family breakfast!  We gave Daddy his presents...he got a polo, a picture frame (that says #1 Dad), and a movie I did of pictures over the last year!  I can't believe how much Kellen has changed!  There were so many good memories....like the first veggie, when he started crawling, when he started walking, his first holiday season!  It was like watching him grow up all over again!  I cried (happy tears) a couple of times while making the DVD!

Then Daddy took Kellen to Wal-Mart to get groceries for dinner!  I stayed home and cleaned...it is amazing to me how dirty our floors get!  :o)  Uncle Andy, Cousin Ansley , Papa and Mimi came over for dinner.  We grilled out and boy was it yummy!  I know, I know it was Father's day and Matt had to cook!  But it just wouldn't be right if we did anything else but grill out!  It was a wonderful day!

It is so much fun to watch Matt with Kellen.  Kellen is now getting to the point where he is starting to copy Matt.  It is too cute!  Matt is a great daddy!  He is a huge help in taking care of Kellen (Kellen is SO busy these days, I am so worn out by the end of the day)! My dad was never very hands on so it is great to see Matt as a father.  He is just how I pictured.

I knew pretty much from day one that I wanted to marry Matt, but what solidified it was the fact that was when we were dating and I was working as a nanny, Matt was over visiting and the kids were peeking under the door and giggling.  Matt got down on the floor and was looking at them.  The giggles were so cute!  :o)  That was probably the moment that I feel head over heals for Matt and there was no turning back!  Fast forward many years to today and I am able to watch the man I fell in love be the father that I knew he would be.  He really is a super dad!  I know that I don't tell him that enough.


16 Months!

 Kellen and uncle Charles playing the drum!

Once again time has ran away with me!  I can't believe that our baby (that is not a baby anymore) turned 16 months last week!  He is changing so much almost daily now!  It amazes me what new things he will do each day!  This is what Kellen is up to these days....
  • Kellen is still taking two naps a day and will sleep anywhere from 1 1/2 to 2 hours.  With the days being longer and the sun coming up earlier so is Kellen...he is waking up around 6:30 am and not really ready for bed till after 8 pm.  We went up to the Rehm cabin in Blueridge this last weekend and there were no windows in our room and Kellen never slept better!  Nap times were awesome!  
  • He is still eating whatever we put in front of him.  He loves fruit and most veggies!  He is getting better about meat so lunch time is a lot easier.  :o)  The other night I browned some hamburger and added some sauce to it and put it over bow-tie pasta for Matt and Kellen.  For myself I made a mixture of olive oil, onions, garlic, and feta cheese.  Kellen ate my pasta! I could not believe it!  He would not touch the meat mixture (he will eat meat when he wants too)!  He is really my child!  :o) One of the new things that he learned this month is drinking out of a straw...so none of our drinks are safe....the other day he was drinking my Dr. Pepper!  :o)  It was time for me to give up soda again anyway!  :o) 
  • He had 12 teeth with 4 more coming in.  We could not figure out why he was such a cranky pants...then I saw his little teeth poking through and his gums all red and swollen.  I felt so bad for him!
  • He is wearing 18 month bottoms and 24 months tops.  He is getting so tall and still is pretty skinny!  He is getting too big for my lap!  He is still in a size 4 diaper.  Just in the last month his feet grew and skipped a size.  He is now in a size 6 shoe!  Poor thing...we were shoving his feet into 4's!  I think it is about time for him to stop growing!  :o)  If I really would have known that he would have grown this fast and become so busy I would have snuggled a lot more when he was a baby!  :o)  
  • He is loving to color right now, but we have to watch him or he will eat the crayons.  He is very busy and keeps both Matt and I on our toes!  He loves the water...we got him a $10 baby pool at Walmart and it has been the best $10 we have ever!  He loves the pool!  I have a feeling that is where we will be spending most of the summer!  I am hoping to make it to the beach this summer!  I think he will love the sand and water!  
  • My favorite thing he has started to do is just come over to you and give random hugs and kisses.  It melts me every time.  He can tell you where his nose, eyes, and ears are, but only when he wants too.  He is living up to his name (Kellen means "strong willed")  He does things on his own time!  I am sure that goes for him talking too!  I was a little worried about the lack of words, but he understands everything we say!  I think he really knows "NO" and loves to ignore it!  Haha

What else can I say about Kellen.  He has been such a joy!  He is a blessing that I give thanks for daily.  I know I have said this before, but you really don't know anything about love till you feel the love that you have for your child.  It is so amazing and leaves me speechless and teary eyed almost daily!

Mr. Kellen

You are your mommy's joy and her whole life (and daddy's too).  It has been a joy to be home with you and watch you learn and grow.  You give the greatest hugs and kisses!  Don't ever get too old to give your mommy a hug and a kiss!  You are growing so fast and before I know it I will open my eyes and you will be 16 and asking to take the car somewhere!   I love you boo-boo!  

Love Mommy 

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