My baby is growing up! I am not sure where the time is going! I cannot believe that he is 7 months old. He is sitting up all by himself like it is nothing now. It is so much fun! His personality is really coming out. He is a little bit of a flirt and loves the camera. He still has mommy's temper that when he is hungry or tired he is a bit of a lion! His two top teeth have cut through this last week. I will have to try to get a picture of them! He is still sleeping very well. We put him down around 8 o'clock and wake him up around 5:30 and then he eats and will go back to sleep until about 6:45 when we have to walk out the door. This makes it easier for me to get ready and out of the house. Matt leaves at 6 am so it is just me with Kellen so I shower, feed Kellen, put him back to bed, make lunches for Matt and I, coffee, and breakfast for me. Then I am back upstairs and I finish getting ready. As long as I know what I want to wear then I am fine and we make it out of the house by 5 minutes to 7! Off to daycare we go. The teachers love him so much and he seems to love them. He really loves one of them that is in the Infant B room (that is the next room he will be in, but has spent some time in there when there are too many babies in his room). We were told that they will probably move him up soon, as he is the oldest and the biggest of the bunch. They feel like he will just take off being with the older kids. Matt will pick Kellen up most of the time after work and he looks forward to this time. Kellen's face just lights up when we get there and Matt loves this! He continues to eat well for them. He still loves all food. He has now tried turkey and beef. He drinks 5 bottles a day and eats oatmeal and a fruit in the morning and a vegetable and meat for dinner. I think I am going to add another vegetable and fruit for lunch. We will see hoe it goes. He is still rocking a bunch and hasn't quite figured out how to crawl, but that does not stop him. He pulls himself along the floor or lunges forward. I don't think we are safe for much longer! He is napping much better now that he as started daycare. He will usually take 2 - 3 naps from anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours! By the time he gets home he is exhausted! Matt and I have gotten a kick out of watching Kellen. He is SO much fun! There is never a dull moment!
7 Months
My baby is growing up! I am not sure where the time is going! I cannot believe that he is 7 months old. He is sitting up all by himself like it is nothing now. It is so much fun! His personality is really coming out. He is a little bit of a flirt and loves the camera. He still has mommy's temper that when he is hungry or tired he is a bit of a lion! His two top teeth have cut through this last week. I will have to try to get a picture of them! He is still sleeping very well. We put him down around 8 o'clock and wake him up around 5:30 and then he eats and will go back to sleep until about 6:45 when we have to walk out the door. This makes it easier for me to get ready and out of the house. Matt leaves at 6 am so it is just me with Kellen so I shower, feed Kellen, put him back to bed, make lunches for Matt and I, coffee, and breakfast for me. Then I am back upstairs and I finish getting ready. As long as I know what I want to wear then I am fine and we make it out of the house by 5 minutes to 7! Off to daycare we go. The teachers love him so much and he seems to love them. He really loves one of them that is in the Infant B room (that is the next room he will be in, but has spent some time in there when there are too many babies in his room). We were told that they will probably move him up soon, as he is the oldest and the biggest of the bunch. They feel like he will just take off being with the older kids. Matt will pick Kellen up most of the time after work and he looks forward to this time. Kellen's face just lights up when we get there and Matt loves this! He continues to eat well for them. He still loves all food. He has now tried turkey and beef. He drinks 5 bottles a day and eats oatmeal and a fruit in the morning and a vegetable and meat for dinner. I think I am going to add another vegetable and fruit for lunch. We will see hoe it goes. He is still rocking a bunch and hasn't quite figured out how to crawl, but that does not stop him. He pulls himself along the floor or lunges forward. I don't think we are safe for much longer! He is napping much better now that he as started daycare. He will usually take 2 - 3 naps from anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours! By the time he gets home he is exhausted! Matt and I have gotten a kick out of watching Kellen. He is SO much fun! There is never a dull moment!
Meeting Macy Brooks...
After work today Matt and I went to meet our friends' new baby, Macy Brooks. Let me just say she is beautiful!!! She is so dainty and cute I could have stared at her for hours (I think that babies have a super-power that just melts your heart). She stole our hearts! Denny was one proud papa as he held his daughter! At one point Macy Brooks just cuddled up to Ashly and it was the perfect picture to see her in Ashly's arms! I really could have held her for hours. She was so tiny and perfect and beautiful.
Matt held her and she stole his heart. I have been telling him that when we get ready to try for another child that I really want to do all the old-wives tales and try for a girl. He said "oh no I want another Boy"!!! After holding Macy Brooks he said I can have a girl! :o) If we ever have another one, I really don't care boy or girl, but it would be fun to have some pink amongst all this blue! :o)
Congrats to the Tucker Family! Macy Brooks is absolutely beautiful and we were honored to meet here! Welcome the world Macy Brooks!!!
Matt held her and she stole his heart. I have been telling him that when we get ready to try for another child that I really want to do all the old-wives tales and try for a girl. He said "oh no I want another Boy"!!! After holding Macy Brooks he said I can have a girl! :o) If we ever have another one, I really don't care boy or girl, but it would be fun to have some pink amongst all this blue! :o)
Kellen's Surgery
It is scheduled for September 3rd. Dr Glasson starts at 7:30 am and it will be scheduled youngest to oldest. I am hoping that since Kellen will be just 7 months he will get the first slot since he will have to fast! Kellen loves his food and gets VERY cranky without it (Just like his mama)!!! I will keep everyone posted on any updates!
Growing up!
Last week we started him on meats. He loves chicken, turkey, and beef!!! I really have not found anything that he does not like. The Daycare got him to eat peaches and now he loves them! Speaking of daycare, he loves it!!! He is such a flirt with all the teachers! He seems really happy! That makes me happy!!! He is eating really well there now and he is napping!!! The last couple of days he has taken close to a two hour nap in the afternoon and a 30 to 45 minute nap in the morning! His runny nose did turn into a cough. I sent Matt to the Dr and it is just a virus that has to run its course. It does not seem to be slowing Kellen down one bit!!! Matt did find out Kellen has hit the 20 lb mark...20 lbs 4 oz to be exact!!!
He was a little fussy last week and I just thought it was him not feeling good, but on Saturday we noticed one of his top teeth cutting through! Now I know! As soon as it is in good I will get a picture of it!
This weekend we got him a Falcons jersey! I love this picture! I am sure there will be many many pictures to come from football season! :) I can't wait till September. The Whitfield's will be here from Augusta for the Atlanta Falcons vs Carolina Panthers game. Sarah Scott will have her little panthers cheerleader uniform and Kellen will have his Falcons jersey on...perfect photo if you ask me! :)
We did visit the Pediatric Surgeon on Friday. I really like Dr Glasson. She made me (and Matt) feel comfortable about everything. She explained to us a little better about the hernia and what it was. She is pretty sure that he has a hernia on one side, but is a little unclear about the other side. She said she would just take a look once she got in there so that she would not have to go back in there if it turned out he does have one. She explained that Kellen has an indirect hernia and that it is different than the one that an adult would get. An adult hernia is torn muscle, but Kellen's is just a hole that did not close. She will go in and tie it closed so that his kidney and/or bladder does not slip through and cause problems for little man! It will be out patient and I will get to go in with him while they put him under. That makes this mama feel good! I am hoping, to get it done on Sept 3rd, but I will see what the scheduler says when I talk to them tomorrow!
Lots of prayers for our friends Denny and Ashly (see their story here) tomorrow as they go in for an Amnio to see if Baby Tucker is ready for his/her debut...if all is good then they will induce. It has been a long journey for them and we are so excited to meet Baby T!!!
Busy...Busy Bee!
What a busy week it was last week...
Tuesday ~ Kellen spent some time with Chris (Jerilyn's Husband) while Jerilyn when to a Dr's appointment. Of course I had warned Jerilyn that we had given Kellen a WHOLE jar of prunes. She failed to mention this to while she was at the Dr, Kellen had a huge blowout!!! He got him all cleaned up and put him down for a nap. Jerilyn came home and got a giggle out of Chris's story about the blowout. Soon Kellen wakes up and she goes to get him and change him...she noticed that Chris had put on a swim diaper for some reason. He laughed and said "I was thinking that he was a little young for pull-ups, but that was all I saw"! Jerilyn called me and could not stop giggling. Just a little request for all of you...At the Dr's Jerilyn found out that she has Breast Cancer so can you all put her and her family in your prayers over the next few months as she begins this journey!!! For those of you that might not know....Jerilyn is my bestest friend, my shoulder to lean on, an ear that is always open to listen, and her arms are always open. We were lucky enough to meet on our first day of collage 7 1/2 years ago!!! We also had her ordained (on the Internet) to marry Matt and I! She also takes credit for Kellen (it was her margarita's that I was drinking that night)!!!
Wednesday ~ Was a pretty normal day...went to work, fed Kellen, ate dinner, gave Kellen a bath, fed Kellen again and off to bed he went! I followed soon after!
Thursday ~ This was Jerilyn's last day with Kellen. It was sad for us all. Where did our summer go??? That night Matt and I got everything ready for Kellen's first day at daycare...well a practice day anyway. I had mixed emotions.
Tuesday ~ Kellen spent some time with Chris (Jerilyn's Husband) while Jerilyn when to a Dr's appointment. Of course I had warned Jerilyn that we had given Kellen a WHOLE jar of prunes. She failed to mention this to while she was at the Dr, Kellen had a huge blowout!!! He got him all cleaned up and put him down for a nap. Jerilyn came home and got a giggle out of Chris's story about the blowout. Soon Kellen wakes up and she goes to get him and change him...she noticed that Chris had put on a swim diaper for some reason. He laughed and said "I was thinking that he was a little young for pull-ups, but that was all I saw"! Jerilyn called me and could not stop giggling. Just a little request for all of you...At the Dr's Jerilyn found out that she has Breast Cancer so can you all put her and her family in your prayers over the next few months as she begins this journey!!! For those of you that might not know....Jerilyn is my bestest friend, my shoulder to lean on, an ear that is always open to listen, and her arms are always open. We were lucky enough to meet on our first day of collage 7 1/2 years ago!!! We also had her ordained (on the Internet) to marry Matt and I! She also takes credit for Kellen (it was her margarita's that I was drinking that night)!!!
Wednesday ~ Was a pretty normal day...went to work, fed Kellen, ate dinner, gave Kellen a bath, fed Kellen again and off to bed he went! I followed soon after!
Thursday ~ This was Jerilyn's last day with Kellen. It was sad for us all. Where did our summer go??? That night Matt and I got everything ready for Kellen's first day at daycare...well a practice day anyway. I had mixed emotions.
Friday ~ Kellen's practice day went great. Earlier in the week I had ask Matt to go with me to daycare to drop him off. I was nervous at how I would react and knew I would have my hands full with Kellen, diapers, wipes, and all the other goodies that I had to take with me!!! The morning went great. Kellen slept till almost 6 so I was almost ready to go when he woke up. I got him dressed and fed him. He even had time to play for a few minutes before we left. Did I mention that it was pouring down rain??? We were greeted by Yvonne (one of the Directors) and she took us back to Kellen's room. Kellen's teacher was running late, so the Ms Sue Ellen from infant B took him. Kellen of course laughed and flirted the whole time. He made it so easy for me! I left a work at noon so that I could go pick him up. Ms Mary said that he was Happy the whole morning!!! He ate great, napped for 35 minutes (for Kellen this is normal). I felt good about this point I was thinking I can do this! :)

Kellen's 1st day of School!!!
Jerilyn brought over lunch and we chatted while Kellen slept. Afterwards we played with Kellen and then had a picture session! :o) Saturday ~ We loaded up the car and took a trip to Augusta. It was Sarah Scott's 1st Birthday party and we decided we couldn't miss it! It was so much fun. I loved seeing Kellen and SS together. Kellen is as big as she is and she is 6 months older! ;o) She was so cute in her outfit! I really would be in trouble if we would have had a girl! She had on this cute cupcake outfit and and tutu! Oh and the bow she wore was too cute!!! Check out the pictures here! Her friend Melissa made the outfit and it was perfect! Her bloomers had her name on them. Everything was Green and pink and oh so cute! It was so much fun!!! Kellen did very good on the drive there. It took about 2 1/2 hours and he slept a good portion of it! On the way home needless to say it was not so fun. He slept for about an hour and then whimpered the rest of the way and the cried for the last 10 minutes. Finally when we got into our neighborhood I got him out of his car seat and did a Brittany Spears. Kellen rode in my lap for a whole 1 1/2 miles!!! I know it was bad, but I just couldn't let him scream, it breaks my heart!
Sunday~ This was a day of rest! I did some shopping and scrapbooking and just hanging out! It was nice! :)
Monday ~ This was Kellen's 1st official day at Daycare! The morning went smooth. I did have a little bit harder time leaving him. Daddy picked him up and his little report told us re refused his bottle! What??? Kellen refuse any food is just crazy! On the other hand he did nap really well for them. His mood was "content" all day. That just didn't sound like Kellen. After only two days at day care Kellen has a runny nose! The colds and being sick can't be starting already can it??? He was so tired...I think Daycare really wears him out!
Tuesday ~ Again Kellen did not eat well. He ate a total of 7 ozs of formula and his jar of fruit and cereal! So Matt talked with Ms Kelly about some options. We had been sending Advent bottles which Kellen uses sometimes at home, but we mostly use Dr Brown's...I just didn't want to send all those pieces! And I am sending more fruit and cereal. He never refuses that! Ever since we introduced solids, Kellen is way more interested in that than his bottle! Kellen's mood was "Happy" all day, so that made me feel better. Everyone at daycare thinks he is too cute and tell me how good of a baby he his. I think I am spoiled! :)
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